Pay Attention: Activities and Future Partner

I think is important to think about the following questions pertaining to a future partner (and even future friends):

What kind of activities is your future partner doing prior to meeting you? What kind of lifestyle is he/she living? How does he/she spend alone time?

Having an idea of your ideal answers to these questions helps you have standards when meeting people and helps you know where to, and where not to, spend your time—and with whom.

In addition to these questions about your future partner, ask the same questions of yourself. (Check out this post called “Calling out B.S.: You Shouldn’t Need a Partner” for more about what to work on while being single and/or alone.)

In the past, didn’t consider these questions prior to getting into significant relationships; nor did I while still being attached to unhealthy relationships—including with relatives. I can say with certainty, I wouldn’t have moved forward with most of those people had I thought about these questions pertaining to those people.

As for those people who were very mysterious about how they spent them time, and those who made it very difficult for me to get answer the questions I listed: their mystery and secrecy gave all the information I needed in order to know I should to get away from them (had I honored my deal-breakers).

Pay attention to what you’re looking for in relationships and the kind of person you want to be in your own life and to invest in.

Do you need coaching? Please contact me. I’d love to help you.


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