Honor Your Deal-Breakers

There are four main reasons why I didn’t honor my deal-breakers in my past crappy relationships.

  1. my fear that I don’t have the energy and gumption to manage my life alone

  2. the corresponding fear that the rug will be pulled form under me at any time

    • thus, giving me even more to have to manage by myself

  3. my insistence of seeing potential in the other person

    • due to being deeply attracted to and/or deeply loving the person

    • and/or believing the person is confident in his/her ability to handle his/her life alone (something I’ve lacked in believing about myself)

      • thus, giving me some assurance that everything will be okay—life will be less terrifying with a “confident” person

  4. my believing something is wrong with me for my needs in a relationship

    • thus, my being wrong for disliking and being hurt by what are actually deal-breakers for me

As a result, I ignored many deal breakers. It’s quite troubling that I didn’t respect my needs enough to get away from crappy relationships much sooner.

The following is a quote from author and speaker, Richard Grannon. Though, he is speaking to intimate relationships, I believe there are quite a few overlaps in deal-breakers with anyone who, or anything, we invest any time into—not just intimate partners.

"Do you know what you want—not in your life, not in your job, not in your friendships, but from an intimate partner? That's a very unique style of relationship. It's a very important style of relationship.

Do you know, to a nicety, what you want, what you will stand for, and what you won't stand for?

Do you know what your boundaries are? Do you know what your limits are? Do you know what your expectations are?

If that's vague and open, you're open to being abused. This is a highly narcissistic culture, and narcissistic abuse can manifest in multiple forms, from multiple personality disorders. What do we mean when we say, 'There's narcissistic abuse'? We're basically saying, 'It's not fair: one person's doing some exploiting and the other person is being exploited. The balance of the relationship isn't right. One person's having a great time; the other person's suffering.’

So what will you tolerate? What won't you tolerate? Where are your boundaries?

Your boundaries are yours--whatever they are, whatever your expectations, and drives, and whatever--they're yours.

You're not going out and demanding the world do the things you want them to do. What you're saying is if person X wants to enter your most intimate spaces, for you, this is the only way it's going to play out. This is the only way. ‘These are the things you can do. These are the things I cannot have you do. Because I'm an adult and I have to look after myself.’

That's the proper way red flags would be. If people are struggling with you, on that, like, 'Oh, I don't want to do that. That's a ridiculous boundary. Why have you got a boundary around that? Have you ever thought not having a boundary around that?' That's a red flag if somebody says this.

This is the way intimate, romantic, deep relationships need to play out for me and that's it. It's absolute. You have to respect that, and the respect goes both ways.

- Richard Grannon

The following are deal-breakers for me. I hold accountability and responsibility for my being interested in and being involved with people who …

  • Have fluid and weak morals, beliefs, ethics, principles, values, standards and boundaries

    • moral relativity

    • (reference this entire list)

  • Bait, distract, bribe, manipulate, and/or blackmail me from looking at and addressing any of the deal-breakers on this list
    —via helping me in areas where I need it the most (areas where I am lacking emotional support and concern)

    • Mirror and mimic my needs, wants, desires, preferences, interests, values, beliefs, etc.

    • Say adoring and affectionate statements to me

    • Do helpful favors for me

    • Buy things for me

    • Spend time with me

    • Take me places

    • Allow and want my companionship

    • Allow me to stay with them

    • Accept my invites and are willing to do activities together—whatever I suggest

    • Allow me to communicate whatever is on my mind and whatever I’m feeling (make it feel easy to expose myself to them)

    • Act like they need my help and value my input

  • Appear vacant, zoned-out and shut-down

    • appear far-away and consumed in their thoughts and fantasies

    • dissociative

    • dismissive avoidant

    • maladaptive daydream, fantasize, and use magical thinking

    • intellectually lazy

      • including emotional EQ and personal growth

      • bringing all but nothing to the table

    • inadvertently pressure me to either do all the thinking and communication, or else try to shut down too to deal with their vacancy

  • Are dishonest

    • compartmentalize and split themselves and their lives

      • fooling themselves into believing that who they are in each compartment doesn’t impact who and what they are in every single compartment: their character, spirit, soul, relationships, and entire lives—their present and their future

        - What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas mentality

    • lie

    • lie by omission

    • manipulate how others and I see them

    • plagiarize to impress and manipulate people

      • essentially steal my and others’ identities

      • live vicariously through others, fantasize that they are part of or with those others and have achieved what those others have achieved

        - to include bragging about and being protective of those others

      • regurgitate what they heard elsewhere

        - as if they thought of it themselves

        - as if they are interested and invested in the topic

      • don’t site sources for the information, ideas, and behaviors they obtain, discuss, replicate and/or mimic

      • take things I’ve said and done (including with them), remove me from it, and claim it for their own

      • take things they’ve heard from and observed in others, remove the others from it, and claim it for their own with me

    • willing to exploit me and others

    • ends justify their means

  • Insist that they value and need x, y, and z in a relationship; but then turn on me for my expecting x, y, and z from and with them—they turn on me via their

    • doing the opposite of what they said they value and need

    • denying they are doing the opposite

    • ridiculing and mocking me for my having the very values and needs they claimed to have themselves

    • denying the truth

    • ridiculing me for pointing out their discrepancies in who they said they are and what they said they need

      • when I point out discrepancies, they tell me I’m living in the past and/or holding grudges

    • using my expectations of them as an excuse to lie to and hide from me

    • calling me controlling, too sensitive, too particular, needing too much

    • gossiping about me

      • including comments and complaints never expressed directly to me

    • smearing my character

    • cheating, bonding, and conspiring with others

      • including with people who have caused me harm

      • using private information about me, plus lying about me, as a way to get close to such people

  • Have their jobs and other faux communities as secret relationship substitutes

  • Hide their interests, desires, needs, preferences, activities from me

    • dishonest with themselves and with me about what they really want and really need

    • ensure I’m not privy to knowing their activities, frequented places, behaviors, and social circles

    • stop their activities, going places and interacting with specific people once I am in their life

    • so I’m not privy to knowing these other sides of them and so I’m not allowed to be included

  • Are invested in, impressed, and easily distracted by the superficial, menial and irrelevant

    • disinterested in learning, growing and healing

      • besides learning how to further pretend, fool and manipulate people into believing their false personas and images

      • not self-actualized

    • unsophisticated in thought processes and ideas

      • not contemplative or reflective

    • have very little of substance to discuss, share, contribute in discussions

    • lack in empathy and ability to relate

    • immature

      • toddlers with street smarts in adults’ bodies

    • insincere

    • empty shells besides their superficial secrets, games and tricks

    • shallow

    • enthralled by and obsessed with novelty

    • image-obsessed

    • enjoy others’ drama and gossip

    • impulsive

      • short attention span

    • need ongoing instant gratification

    • into quantity, not quality

    • addiction-prone

    • sometimes nihilistic

  • Exclude and confuse me

    • don’t want me to deeply know them

      • (reference the my other lists on hiding, confusion, dishonesty, etc.)

    • don’t give a full-disclosure on who they are, their lifestyle, choices and desires

    • change personalities, behaviors, and values based on who they are around

    • are stealthy, sneaky, and slippery

      • are vague, secretive and aloof

      • create a sense of cat-and-mouse game and chasing a dangling carrot

        - they ensure they are never attainable

      • it’s like pulling teeth with them: they make it difficult and confusing to know and understand them, and to get information and the truth

      • avoid answering questions

      • feign forgetfulness, confusion, or miserable emotional pain or tantrums

        - to dodge and avoid discussions and confrontation

        - to make it miserable when I try to have important discussions

    • don’t want to deeply know me

      • don’t ask me sincere and genuine questions

      • learn just enough about me to know how to act around me, what to hide from and lie to me about, and/or what superficial statements to say and questions to ask me

      • critique me via superficial standards

        - especially if I’m not performing in a way that soothes and distracts them from their secret, internal turmoil

        - including when I want to discuss anything beyond the surface and pleasantries

      • speak to, respond, and react to me as if I’m someone who isn’t even me

        - perhaps creating a fictitious character of me in their heads

    • leave out details, keep secrets from, and lie to, me

      • including about things that normally would be common knowledge

      • including topics I, myself, have been transparent and honest about

      • don’t tell me information they know I like to, want to, and need to know

      • don’t include me on decisions

      • don’t invite me to events

    • don’t consider me, my feelings, and our relationship in decisions

    • intimidate, harass and blame me when I say that things aren’t working out between us

      • state that someone is wrong with me for thinking we aren’t a match

      • state that they are happy with me so I’m the one with the problem

    • change definitions of commonly-accepted words and statements

    • beckon my involvement in something that is troubling them, which I in turn take seriously and invest with them, and later they…

      • act as if it never happened

      • or else they complete our discussion secretly with someone else, so I’m not longer considered and needed

      • leave me figuratively at the edge-of-my-seat, waiting to hear an update or conclusion, like a fool

    • leave a lot of holes in their stories and time unaccounted for

    • provide contradictory information

    • inadvertently reveal more and more contradictions as time goes on

  • Cannot relate to or understand my experiences and perspectives

    • act as if they have never had such struggles, concerns or issues

    • ridicule, mock me, and smear my character for my feelings, needs, perspectives and concerns

  • Act strange around others

    • performers in need of audiences

      • do reaction-seeking behaviors

      • appear concerned with wanting to be noticed by others

      • appear concerned with impressing strangers and insignificant others

      • via superficial behaviors and statements, voice tones, facial expressions, and other non-verbal communication

    • shapeshift into someone or something else depending on who is around

    • conform and change based on what they assume each person around them wants and likes

      • don’t stand on principles, values, morals, and ethics

      • aren’t consistent in who they appear to be

      • mirror and mimic others

    • appear mesmerized and infatuated

    • have facial expression like deer-in-the-headlights

    • voyeuristic

      • appear to obtain sensual pleasure by

        - absorbing sights and sounds

        - being noticed

        - observing others

      • concerned about how others (audience) see them

    • don’t speak to, just watch, people

    • appear disinterested in closeness with, or acknowledgement of, loved ones when others are around

    • are oblivious to my presence and existence

    • expose very little about themselves

      • their seeming to be blank slates almost forces others to fill in the gaps of information for themselves

        - (it’s common for others to assume the best in people and/or to assume people have the same values)

        - as such, others can all but turn them into whomever the others want them to be

      • so people don’t have “anything on them” to reject and/or to discover their true colors

      • appear as innocent, naive, and harmless to have around or to include

        - maybe even being perceived as their needing to be rescued or pitied

  • Do not set boundaries with others

    • freely share personal information with strangers and acquaintances, but not with me

    • allow others to made decisions for them

    • their lap always open: being open and available for others to approach them, etc.

    • are willing to have inappropriate interactions

    • somehow, recruit enablers / flying monkeys who support or participate in their schemes and covering-up for them

    • behind my back, befriend and/or cheat with others

      • including with my own associates, relatives, friends

  • Do not stand up for, defend and protect me and the relationship

    • make me feel like I’m always competing with others for their love, attention, loyalty, devotion, security and safety

    • willing to throw me under the bus

    • make me fend for myself with people who are inaccessible, unreachable, physically stronger, intimidating, or otherwise intending harm

      • including with their own relatives or associates

      • including my needing to protect myself from them

  • Hide me away

    • aren’t proud or honored to be together with me when other people are around

    • act like they don’t know me or aren’t with me

    • don’t let me meet the people who they interact with

    • don’t bring me up in interactions

      • they act like they don’t have anyone (me) to consider and who cares about them

      • they act like they don’t have anyone (me) to confide in, to spend time with, to talk to them, and to collaborate with them in decisions, etc.

      • they act like they don’t have someone (me) who does with and wants to do with them the very activities they tell others about doing

  • Make concerning and disturbing statements only to me, in private

    • inadvertently exposing their very dark thoughts and ideas

    • trigger my own shame for being with such people

      • thus, guaranteeing my silence and not exposing them

    • make me question myself as to if I really heard what I thought I did

    • force me to either try to ignore what they said or else uproot my life and leave

    • threaten or blackmail me

      - if I decide to leave

      - if I talk about their discrepancies and hurtful behaviors (i.e. expose to them what’s behind their false self masks)

What are your deal-breakers? I hope you save yourself much misery via honoring your relationship needs and what you have to give, and honoring your deal-breakers.

Do you need coaching? Please contact me. I’d love to help you.


More on Deal-Breakers


Saving Others from Themselves