These People Will Never Choose You
It took me most of my life thus far to finally make a stand for the type of relationship I want and to stop looking at “potential” and tolerating sub-par behaviors with the dream of the other people eventually snapping out of it and choosing me back.
I’m a person who needs deep connection, collaboration, trust, transparency, devotion, and an ally in life. I don’t care about superficial and shallow interactions and attention. Even if a person is fine with my being around him/her, that alone isn’t enough: who that person is and what their intentions are matters to me.
When I choose someone, it means that person is precious to me and I adore them. When I love, I love deeply. But I also need to receive what I have to give my loved one.
Being chosen, then, means someone who also needs a deep connection, collaboration, trust, transparency, devotion, loyalty, faithfulness, compassion, empathy, and an ally in life and chooses you to give that to.
I finally recognize that the type of people who will never choose “you” back are people who
need an audience
desire attention from others
desire to be entertained by others
are people-pleasers
are busy-bodies
are impressed by superficial
are voyeuristic
admire others as an audience member
find nothing and no one sacred and special
aren’t protective of their bodies or spirits
aren’t concerned about, discerning and careful of what they expose themselves to (see, hear, do)
compartmentalize their lives and relationships
are insincere
lie, lie by omission, don’t tell the whole truth
don’t want the truth
are frauds and two-faced: change who they are, what they say, what they care about, and their values based on who and what they are around
are okay with tricking, betraying, and manipulating others—especially you
have a weak moral compass
have no integrity
have no remorse for mistakes
aren’t empathetic: can’t relate to or understand you
have “romance” type intimacy with themselves
are addicts
are superficially pleasured
seek impulsive pleasures
no impulse control
are compulsive
gossip and smear characters
are exploitative
don’t want to mature, learn and grow
are emotionally immature
are superficial in their standards and preferences
are secretive and mysterious
are sketchy
are aloof, slippery and stealthy
don’t want to be known
talking to them is like pulling teeth: they make it difficult to learn the truth about them, who they are, what they do, what they believe, and what they value
don’t want to know you
Yes, allow people to be who they are. But don’t waste your time with people who don’t choose you back.
Do you need coaching? Please contact me. I’d love to help you.