The Gift in Being Betrayed
The gift in being betrayed is that we recognize the person’s true colors. He/she presented him/herself so succinctly and clearly. He/she made it so easy for you.
A loud alarm sounding off tells you, “This person is not for me.”
There’s no second guessing yourself. There’s nothing to fix. There’s no explaining or convincing to do. There’s no teaching or training. There’s nothing to work out. There’s nothing to resolve. There’s no apology or traces of remorse to chase. There’s no contorting of yourself to make it work out. There’s no further breath or words or time or energy to waste.
Being betrayed is like having an exit door installed right in front of you. Open the door and exit.
Finally, you are free of this nonsense, confusion, games, tricks, immaturity, insincerity and lies.
Beautiful experiences await you.
Breathe and live your precious life. One moment at a time. You’re so lucky: you get to be you.
Do you need coaching? Please contact me. I’d love to help you.