Being Coachable

I thoroughly enjoy helping people improve their circumstances, relationships and lives via coaching.

In order for me to effectively help anyone, I make it a point to listen and ask questions to see where the person is at and to understand from their perspectives. Icheck in frequently to see if the person agrees with what I’m seeing. To me, there really is no other way to be able to offer up any input which will resonate with each individual.

But I can only help people who are coachable. I can only help people who help themselves.

Being coachable means

  • You want things to be better.

  • You are willing to be deeply honest with yourself.

  • You have a goal in mind, or else you desire help to come up with a goal.

  • You are willing to look at and consider different perspectives, input and ideas.

  • You are willing to make changes.

  • You have the intrinsic motivation and drive to

    • think and exercise self-awareness,

    • consider and look at any denial and/or blind spots which could be holding you back,

    • honestly communicate with me,

    • work on following through with what you say you’re going to do.

We all need help to see what we cannot see from our current vantage points; to come at problems from different angles; and to have assistance sorting through chaos, confusion and overwhelm.

I can help you do this when you are coachable.

Do you need coaching? Please contact me. I’d love to help you.


I Want to ‘Want to’


When ‘Love’ Mixes with Malice