Telling Stories for Processing
There is a big difference between telling stories for entertainment, complaining, attention, and/or drama and telling stories to try to process what has happened. When trying to process what has happened, the goal is to reach some sort of clarity and understanding for growth, learning and closure.
I’m one that needs to do a lot of processing because I want every experience to have value and I want to use wisdom from each experience to improve myself, my relationships and my life.
Of course, my coaching clients tell stories in our sessions as well.
In order to create some structure, accountability and deep awareness for healing and growth in each story told, I came up with this process for myself and for my clients:
Whenever telling a story about what happened, complete the following statements:
In this story, I want you to see <the other person / each character> this way: ______.
In this story, I want you to see me this way: ______.
In this story, I feel this way about <the other person / each character>: ______.
In this story, I feel this way about myself: ______.
If I could re-do this story, this is what I would do differently: ______.
Do you need coaching? Please contact me. I’d love to help you.